Worksite Life Benefits

Employee Benefits - Voluntary Payroll Deduction Life

Valley Insurance Group shows how offering employer-sponsored, low cost benefits improves employee satisfaction and retention. Choosing what benefit routes to offer and how to handle their costs can be challenging for employers. Valley provides direction to portable life insurance for employees through Voluntary Payroll Deduction programs that benefit both employers and employees. 

  • Employee flexibility to build a unique plan that fits needs/budget
  • Protection for family members 
  • Voluntary payroll deduction program offers quality insurance options 
  • Expertise from qualified insurance professional

Employers reap rewards as benefits programs can be expanded at no direct cost to the employer, while reducing employee turnover and improving productivity.

Key Employee Protection

Valley Insurance Group understands certain employees are critical to your company’s operations and profitability. Key Employee Life Insurance can protect your company’s livelihood as well as all of your remaining employees’ incomes.

  • Readily available cash to hire and train new personnel
  • Security for extra expenses or lost revenue resulting from the loss of a Key Employee
  • Assets to contract an employee for immediate fulfillment needs

Executive Benefits
Valley Insurance Group directs clients to provide pleasing Executive Benefits packages aimed at attracting, retaining and rewarding top employees. Executive Benefits packages adequately meet the needs of your company’s leaders providing security and a win win employer-employee environment.​

Business Continuation

Valley Insurance Group wants to prepare employers for management succession, ownership transition, contract fulfillment and more in the case of an owner’s death. A structured course of action is critical and Valley can help.

  • Life Insurance helps to keep success of Business Continuation by providing necessary funds for smooth ownership transition.
  • Properly funded plans:
    • Create a market for a deceased owner’s share of the business.
    • Establishes the price and terms of the sale.
    • Prevent the ownership of your business from transferring into the wrong hands.​